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Speech Coaching ~

Once you have a speech that you love - what's next?

I work with my clients to ensure they have the best overall experience possible.  This includes developing confidence, skills and the ability to deliver their best speech ever!

Whether in person, via Skype or FaceTime, together, we will create a speech plan for you! This includes:


                           Overcoming Nerves

                           Voice Control



                                     Eye Contact

                                     Hand Gestures


                                     Body Control & Movement


Are you ready to get started on your next BEST SPEECH?




microphone on stage
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Writing a Great Speech

Seminars & Workshops


In addition to writing speeches and coaching clients to deliver them with CONFIDENCE...  I am available to speak to Civic Organizations, Seminars, Women's Workshops, Clinics and Boot Camps.  I also have a "Tribe" of Amazing resources that my clients are able to utilize.  We know it takes a village - so let us help you!  

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