My Speech Coach Founder
Confidence Coach
Professional Speech Writer
Public Speaking Coach
Motivational Speaker
Karen Gray
Contact Karen: 833-WE-COACH (833) 932-6224
or email:

Believe in the beauty and possibility of your dreams...
(Then work like crazy to make them come true!)
"When you improve your public speaking skills, you're investing in yourself by building
Confidence, Character & Personal Success"
~ Karen

I grew up on the Jicarilla Apache Indian reservation in Largo Canyon, New Mexico and later moved to the Navajo reservation of Chaco Canyon near the Four Corners area of New Mexico. After graduating from Bloomfield High School I lived in Tallahassee Florida and attended Florida State University. I traveled around a bit (following my gypsy soul before settling in Texas and calling it home. Prior to 2007 my professional background had been exclusively in Financial Services and banking but that all changed when my daughter, Stephanie began competing in pageants and needed speeches. It was then that my love for writing, speaking and coaching came to life.
Since that time I have written almost 250 speeches and have coached over 150 clients across the US and Canada. I am beyond humbled and blown away by the trust, faith and courage entrusted to me as well as the talent and success my clients exhibit.
To some I become Momma K, Coach or remain simply Karen - regardless, each and every client that allows me to be a part of their journey holds a special place in my life and I consider it my honor to become a part of their team.

Stephanie Revels
Miss Rodeo America
Pageant Winning Speech
December 2013
About Me...
"Thank you Momma K for taking the time to work with me and for encoraging me to be my best. I could not have won without you and I coudn't have done any of this without you lovingly pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thank you for all you and Stephanie did for me. I love you and I'm so glad you're on my team!"
~ Katelynn B
"I'm pretty biased but I really do think my wife is amazing. She LOVES each of her clients and puts hours and hours into each speech, each coaching session and pours her heart into each of her clients lives. She has a gift for loving people and being their cheerleader even when they don't believe in themselves. "
Testimonial from Jason Gray